GREENTECH receives the ISO 26000 label
GREENTECH received, on April 2, 2019, the ISO 26000 label from the hands of one of its creators and figure of the CSR: Alain JOUNOT. This reflects the company’s ongoing commitment, since its creation 25 years ago, to sustainable development.
For GREENTECH, sustainable development is more than just a concept: it’s part of its DNA!
It is at the heart of the company’s activity, which extracts plants from all over the world, to promote them in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals.
It is in every relationship with its employees who, whatever their position or mission, are ambassadors of the company, actors of its success.
It is at the origin of each partnership the company establishes with the suppliers, as is the case, for example, in Peru, where Greentech works in collaboration with local producers to produce Inca Inchi, a good organic oil known for its contributions in Omega 3.
It is the initiator of each development project that the company carries out in connection with these local partnerships.
It guides the strategic direction that society takes every day and strengthens its ability to prevent risks, analyze its environment and act according to opportunities.