Greentech Progress Report 2023

Today kicks off European Sustainable Development Week. We are happy to take this opportunity to share with you our 2023 CSR report.


For over 30 years, the companies in the Greentech group have been working together to meet the challenges of tomorrow, by combining scientific innovation, sustainability and ethics.


Our approach is systemic, because we are convinced that the world is a whole and a question of balance: climate, biodiversity and health are linked and need to be tackled in a global way. Our business model is deeply rooted in social and environmental concerns, and from the outset we have cultivated a pioneering, exploratory stance, developing products that take care of people and their environment.


We have built our group in a spirit of progress shared by all our stakeholders – mankind, the planet, our producers, suppliers and customers – with the idea of preserving the source. From the outset, we have included the consequence in everything we do: everything we do must be sustainable. “We source nature to resource the future” is our credo: we are convinced that innovation can save the planet if it is a source of progress.